Compassionate Options, Inc.

When you or your loved ones suddenly face late-stage care needs or impending end of life issues and/or concerns do you think OMGnowWHAT do we do?

In London, KY we are now organizing to be able to make accessible a one-stop local information site relating to late stage and end of life topics.

Compassionate Options, Inc., a local non-profit (hopefully soon to be 501-c3) organization, is in the process of forming a coalition with like-minded business and individuals.  Our mission is to advocate better quality late stage and end-of-life experience, especially for seniors of Southeastern KY, by raising awareness of existing available resources via information, referral, networking, and outreach services.

COI exists to provide help for those looking for information and services in the local community.  With the help of our coalition partners, who provide service and resources to those we serve, we will soon be operational.

Here is some of the research we are pursuing so we may provide answers to upcoming questions.

1.  We want to determine where our local people are now being cared for in late stage and end of life time periods.

2.  We need to know what people are saying about the quality of care they and their loved ones have previously received locally.

3.  We intend to help make certain that local systems are in place to ensure that people who might be approaching the end of their lives have been identified so plans about their care can be coordinated.

4.  We must determine what services are available locally “at any time of day and night” to enable people to be cared for in the place they desire.

5.  We must determine the support that is available locally for carers of people approaching the end of life, including into bereavement.

6.  We must find out what is being done to ensure that local services are genuinely available and accessible to everybody in the local community.

7.  We must promote and/or assist with the continued training in end of life care our local organizations are giving their staff.

8.  We must make sure end of life care is identified as a local priority and help to determine who is providing local leadership and accountability.

9.  We must see that local activities are being undertaken to raise public awareness about death, dying and bereavement and build people’s confidence in having discussions and making plans.

10.  We are determined to make sure steps are being taken to involve local people and those with personal experiences in the way services are shaped and evaluated.

We must all be:  Working together for a better end of life experience”.  You ask: Now What?See top right!.

© Mac 2015